Brad and Dan have different ideas on how to use some weapons, but a toilet is something they can both agree on.
Playing: HitmanHitman00:00 - 2:23:08by treddle Highlights: Ready with the one-liners.Ready with the one-liners.18:53 - 19:23by TurboManAPC TurretAPC Turret41:29 - 42:43by TurboManExploding Toilet Challenge CompleteExploding Toilet Challenge Complete56:24 - 57:03by TurboManWhen you wake up and have no clothes onWhen you wake up and have no clothes on1:01:13 - 1:01:46by TurboManHuman Pile + Exploding Toilet of DoomHuman Pile + Exploding Toilet of Doom2:15:31 - 2:19:37by TurboMan