Video notes:E3 preparations begin. If you're wondering what this HYPE thing in the chat is all about, this is the first time the Hype Meter feature was used. It's a little pop-up meter that viewers can affect using arrow keys. It's intended to let people judge E3 press conferences in real time. I'll try my best to archive it as well. Playing:
Project Reality Project Reality0:16:28Duck Game Duck Game0:53:32Double Dribble Double Dribble1:21:41Ultra Baloon Ultra Baloon1:30:10U.S. Championship V'Ball U.S. Championship V'Ball1:35:42Sunset Riders Sunset Riders1:39:04

Chicken Fries Chicken Fries0:07:50Brad Muir's baby takes life lessons from uncle Jeff Brad Muir's baby takes life lessons from uncle Jeff0:11:00Don't be like Dan Don't be like Dan0:11:40Drew Scanlon - Master of Segues Drew Scanlon - Master of Segues 0:16:28Brad accepts Dan's dare for $5 Brad accepts Dan's dare for $50:27:29Should Dan eat Chicken Fries? Should Dan eat Chicken Fries?0:41:17Mary Kish really likes those fries Mary Kish really likes those fries0:51:52

Unprofessional Fridays: 06/05/2015

Posted: Jun. 5, 2015 | with Jeff, Brad, Drew, Dan and Brad Muir

There's a baby on set (other than Dan) so we teach him all we know about redefining reality, eating and shooting fowl, and kick harnesses.

If you don't want your messages to appear in the archives, please contact me via a PM.