Jeff and Ryan learn the alphabet, shun torches, and invent new top-level Internet domains.
Playing: Section-ZSection-Z01:23 - 08:10Gun.SmokeGun.Smoke09:08 - 16:40Ghosts 'n GoblinsGhosts 'n Goblins17:37 - 28:42 Section-ZSection-ZGun.SmokeGun.SmokeGhosts 'N GoblinsGhosts 'N GoblinsCapcom Arcade Cabinet Highlights: Jeff's pro jumping skillsJeff's pro jumping skills22:09 - 22:29
Jeff and Ryan take on tigers, Mitsubishi Zeroes, and street thugs in Capcom's first batch of arcade games.
Playing: Black TigerBlack Tiger02:14 - 11:00by TheT1943: The Battle of Midway1943: The Battle of Midway12:39 - 15:35by TheTAvengerAvenger17:09 - 24:21by TheTSection ZSection Z27:09 - 28:10by TheT Section-ZBlack TigerBlack Tiger1943: The Battle of Midway1943: The Battle of MidwayAvengerAvengerCapcom Arcade Cabinet